Apostle Martinez
The New Kingdom flag that I saw in a picture. Do you have those for purchase or a weblink where it can be? A couple of days before the eclipse the wind destroyed the American flag at my business. It was oddly ripped but stuck on the pole in a way how a sailboat ⛵️ sail looks. I saw another one in our territory that looked the same way. It could have only been done that way supernaturally somehow. So I cut the one end loose. It was ripped but I sent it back up the pole but about two foot below the very top. Judgment on America is what I heard.I have known it was coming for years after reading a vision a minister had in the 40’s & Demetri Dutemon vision in the 70’s.
Before this happened to the flag I kept thinking that I would like to replace it with a New Kingdom flag like the one I saw on your Facebook page.
Shalom & Toda