The Assembly And The Matthew 18 Protocol

From the very beginning, we have observed as conflict has caused damage and destruction in creation.

From the fall of Lucifer and the 1/3 of the Angelic host to Cain and Abel, we see the damage conflict with Yahuah and one another produces.

Throughout history to the coming of Messiah were wars and continuous conflict in mankind. Messiah came to the one house in all of the Earth that was supposed to be the LIGHT to the world yet, it too was steeped in conflict.

As Yahusha began the ministry of the Gospel, he began in the household of faith and among those who had the word of Yahuah and were not doing it.

He called them to Repentance to DOING the word and not hearing only. He took the time to make clear the distinction between those who do the word, and those who only pay lip service.

One would be built on the ROCK, and the other sand.

Within even the ranks of is disciples, Messiah had to quell conflict such that he rebuked the brothers James and John.

Ultimately it would be another disciple, Judas Iscariot, that would betray him to his death and thereby bring about the plan of redemption.


The Betrayal Protocol


The betrayer is a necessary part of the ministry of Messiah as he had to OVERCOME betrayal to finish his assignment as our Father in heaven has indeed done overcoming the rebellion of his angels and mankind.

As Messiah overcomes betrayal and deceit, so we all must deal with this terrible plague of betrayal on creation while we endure our pilgrimage.

There is no way around this situation if you are going to walk in the Ruach of Yahuah in this Earth.

At some point or another you must endure FALSE ACCUSATION or TRESPASS. You will be betrayed by an imposter.

If you are called to the work of the ministry this will be a repeat pattern.

This is what our Father in heaven has endured.

It is what Messiah Yahusha endured.

It is what all of the set apart vessels of Yahuah have endured through the centuries.

This is a consistent theme throughout the centuries and seems to be required of all set apart people to connect with and experience the betrayal our Father and Messiah endured.

As we overcome betrayal, we gain a new appreciation for the difficulty of remaining in your integrity when you are being falsely maligned.

The ruach that would Falsely Accuse and malign is not of Yahuah. It is of the evil one.

By contrast, even while the Ruach of Yahuah corrects, admonishes, and even convicts, we are always provided the way of escape and remedy to return to love and good standing.

Mixed within the ranks of the genuine people of Yahuah referred to by Messiah as “wheat”, there are those Messiah described as “tares among the wheat” which are sowed by the enemy.

TARES will appear as if they are wheat until the time of harvest at which time the TARES will behave very differently than the WHEAT.

Tares are PROUD and will not humble themselves in sincere repentance.


It is at this time that the “offenses” would manifest and for this reason we have the Matthew 18 protocol.

This protocol established by the King himself is meant to do two things.

1) Reconcile genuine brothers back to one another and

2) separate false brethren from the midst of the congregation.


In the simple protocol described by Messiah Yahusha, we are told that in the event of a trespass, we have procedure to follow.


Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.


This procedure is not JUST about resolving any particular conflict that will inevitably emerge wherever flawed people are together, but also identifying and removing false brethren from your midst.

In the protocol Messiah requires a true disciple to perform a task he knows a false imposter will not do.

By the Ruach of Yahuah a disciple would obey the word of Messiah demonstrating that he is in fact a true disciple while the imposter will fail the examination and the result of the failure ultimately is that the person will be declared a “publican and heathen” and set out of the congregation.

When one understands the implications of this protocol, the gravity and seriousness is authentically appreciated with great humility. The false will not perceive the importance of this protocol.

As Messiah knows there is NO WAY that people who are together will not offend due to their difference of viewpoints if nothing else, the protocol is inevitable in ALL ASSEMBLIES.

The reality is that people will offend one another at some point. It is inevitable.

Messiah commands that these conflicts be utilized to perform the sorting process as outlined in Matthew 18. No Elder or Pastor or Apostle is authorized to modify or ignore this protocol.


He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.


Protocol 1: Go To Your Brother!


You would think this would be a very simple and easy thing for an imposter to comply with in order to retain their “cover” but Messiah knew what we did not. Pride prevents the TARES from humbling themselves.

The imposter always has an agenda and they cannot resist using OFFENSE or TRESPASS to further that agenda.

The ulterior motive of the imposter is usually gain of some sort or power but certainly NOT loving their brother which is evident in the first protocol.

In the time of Trespass, the imposter will GOSSIP and will go to OTHERS but NOT to the person with which they have the conflict. We see Judas made a deal with the Pharisees but none of the disciples were aware for he deceived them all. No effort was made by Judas to reconcile or repent for his trespass.

The reason is simply the IMPOSTER’s agenda.

The imposter is focused on his agenda and not genuine connection. Whatever that agenda is will emerge in the time of CONFLICT or ADVERSITY and the TARE will only be focused on achieving their own goal at the cost of any other brethren.

When offended, the imposter will always FAIL to go to their brother directly and to no one else. This is critical to the review process. The authentic with the Ruach of Yahuah are easy to be entreated and reconcile with for they have genuine LOVE one for another.

The authentic go one to another as Messiah said. The contrast is easy to see once you know what to look for.

It is a narrow path that only the genuine and authentic who are filled with the Ruach of Yahuah will follow so conflict reveals the Wheat and Tares.

You can come up with thousands of reasons why a person feels justified in violating the Matthew 18 protocol but no excuse will be accepted before the King.

He was very clear. He gave no quarter. Go to your brother.


Those who fail to do so with an offense or trespass and instead are bent on using the conflict to forward their AGENDA will use conflict and trespass in an effort to defame, slander, insult, deride, or otherwise diminish another.

This is in direct contrast to the Ruach of Yahuah which of course would compel the authentic believer to go DIRECTLY to their brother with a trespass or offense and remain united in mission, purpose, and vision.

Those, like Judas, who are NOT true do not care about the brethren, or any mission, purpose, or vision in any place but only their own personal agenda usually involving money, power, and influence of some kind.


But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.


Protocol 2: Bring 2 or 3 witnesses to your brother.


Protocol 2 is meant to be an effort of love to restore a brother to unity, purpose and vision. While the first protocol is very telling the second makes clear beyond a doubt when dealing with an imposter vs. the authentic set apart people.

We are commanded by Messiah to bring 2 or 3 witnesses in a spirit of meekness to restore a brother, never to condemn another understanding that any one of us could have fallen to an error.

This protocol further separates the authentic from the imposter as the imposter will not perform this important step but will skip it to again, forward his agenda using the public.

Offenses made public have a “sensational” effect that causes people to draw conclusions on a matter that skipped two protocols. This is wickedness before Yahuah. This is exactly what tactic was used against Messiah to such effect they all yelled … CRUCIFY HIM … despite no evidence of his trespass.

The procedure that requires two witnesses for a trespass is a kingdom procedure that establishes a matter of dispute to be resolved.

Authentic brethren will submit to the word of Yahuah and the trespass is usually resolved. The resulte should be that brethren are restored to fellowship.

Imposters will not tolerate reconciliation because that was never important to the agenda and conflict is more valuable to imposters than Shalom. Imposters will leverage conflict to do harm behind them as they pursue agenda as Judas Iscariot proved.

Only after they realize that their plan has and will fail do they often regret choosing temporal things and sacrificing their brother but it will be too late.

Just as Judas wanted to return the 30 pieces of silver, all who betray will weep and gnash teeth before it is over.

This protocol is meant to be done in love with great meekness to restore your brother and avoid the third protocol at all costs.


And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the Assembly: but if he neglect to hear the Assembly, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.


Protocol 3: The Assembly.


When a matter comes before the Assembly in accordance to the protocol established by Messiah Yahusha, it has reached a point of no reconciliation in protocols 1 and 2.

This means all efforts to get the person to follow protocols 1 or 2 have failed and the matter is now in the public.

In this evil case, the King makes clear that if the person will not hear the Assembly as represented by the Elders and repent, then the person is to be counted as a PUBLICAN and a HEATHEN.

The repentance of any person cannot be refused as Messiah commanded that we forgive 70×7 times.

FAILURE TO REPENT: Severe judgement awaits as there is no way for this person to be redeemed again having touched the powers of the kingdom to come and having done disgrace to the KING’s own protocol, he awaits the judgment of Yahuah as one who dishonored the King’s word.

For this reason we should always be swift to repent and never double down on offense such that we miss the protocols of the King set forth to rescue HIS people and sort out the tares.

Any who have such little love in their heart toward their brother that they could justify holding a grudge have failed and must quickly repent.

A grudge is strictly prohibited by the Torah due holding on to a list of offenses or grudges demonstrates before all the absence of the Ruach of Yahuah.


Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am Yahuah.


Consider that no one is in a Matthew 18 situation WITHOUT a good reason. Everyone using this protocol are dealing with offense and trespass and all feel they are the exception but there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

Every single person using this protocol could feel justified in their offense to do all manner of things. But a disciple follows the KING.

In this INEVITABLE test the authentic and imposter are sorted. It can hardly be avoided for sooner or later, an offense or trespass will occur that will commence the protocol and testing.

Those with the Ruach of Yahuah conduct this protocol as it was intended and they reconcile differences and overcome personal flaws bringing a FUSION of covenant and friendships through the fire of adversity.

This is done by the Ruach of Yahuah in Love.

Those who are of the evil ruach instead will walk in “con-fusion” or cold separation and will not join together as they are unequally yoked with believers.

The IMPOSTER will use slander, malice, evil speaking, and all manner of wrangling to gender strifes and forward personal agenda to obfuscate their duplicity. It is quite predictable.

The protocol as established by Messiah causes a sword to come down between those who love their brother and those who do not.

Anyone who skips the Matthew 18 protocol of the KING has not the Ruach of Yahuah. Those who have the Ruach of Yahuah will be their brother’s keeper … not his chief public persecutor.

About The Author

Peter Michael Martinez

Released into Ministry in 1995, Apostle Peter Michael is an Emissary of the New Kingdom of YHWH, Elohim of Israel.