What has Remnant House been up to this week?

We continue to feed, house, and clothe, 4 wonderful men that help to keep New Kingdom Academy and this homestead running. (We have 2 more coming soon)

We continue to lend one of Remnant House's vehicles to a local family in need of transportation.

We continue to teach and feed the next generation in New Kingdom Academy Sheni-Chamashi each week.

We are starting to plan Passover and the next Sukkot.

We received 200 meat chickens that will be butchered to not only feed those here (and the others who are coming), but another in need.

Each time we butcher we help out 2 local families and pick one person to send some to.

In addition Apostle Peter has blessed us with 3 messages. And numerous conversations and prayers for Yahuah's Remnant.

We have continued to work on NK energy.

We have been working on other ways of making more resources ourselves to help more people.

We continue planning affordable housing. And many other projects that are needing to be done.

We continue to work on many projects for the meat chickens and layers, that is needed.

Here at Remnant House we are always busy and resources go to projects like these.

Thank you for everyone who supports this mission! ❤️

We all Here at NK appreciate each and every single one of you! ❤️
