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Today is Yom Teruah / Day of Shofars/Trumpets at the crack of dawn.

Also, the 7 Month First Day is the Head of the Month it is also Yom Teruah and that is an Annual Sabbath as well. Plus it is a holy convocation or Kodosh (Set-Apart) Assembly.

3 days later we’ll have our regular weekly Shabbat.

So since we’ll have two Shabbats back to back we doubled up on our supplies to take care of us well past the weekend.

I have my Shofar ready and ready to crank it up at dawn.

Enjoy Your Adventure in Scripture and Keeping Our ABBA Yahuah’s Appointed Times!

We’ve been busy today getting ready for tomorrow.

Oh! Don’t forget to join us for the Kodosh (Set-Apart) Assembly blowing of the Shofar’s today at Noon 12 PM CDT at Remnant House

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Brother Gera’el Toma

2 hrs - Youtube

YOM TERUAH (Blow the Shofar!) FEAST of TRUMPETS SONG by miYah

Get Out Your Shofars and Celebrate Yom Teruah- the Feast of Trumpets! One of the Biblical Fall Feasts. Fun, upbeat song! Speak to the people of Israel, saying, "In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, a memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation." Leviticus 23:24

To be exactly and PRECISELY correct ...

אלהים = Alua-ha-yam

The Spirit Of Absalom In The Last Days!

Peter Michael Martinez - September 17, 2024


Absalom was the third son of King David (2Samuel 3:3). He was known for his SEDITION, disloyalty, betrayal, wickedness, revenge, rebellion, strive, chaos and confusion. He was never a peaceful man as his name implies.

An Absalom spirit is a spirit of SEDITION, disloyalty, betrayal, strife, division, rebellion, revenge, confusion, pride etc.

People possessed with Absalom spirit often search for value in personal pursuits rather than in Elohiym. They frequently imagine they deserve more recognition than what their achievements merit. (2 Samuel 18:18 )

They also believe they can do your job better than you. In time, such people become disloyal and betray you by killing your influence among as many friends, customers or followers as possible.

It is similar to Lucifer’s betrayal of Elohiym, and his capturing the hearts of one-third of the angelic forces.

If you’re a pastor, leader, or business owner, you cannot indulge an unrepentant person who carries this Absalom spirit.

You cannot afford to leave an arrogant Absalom-type in any position of authority in your Assembly or your business.

Learn More: Click Here:


Who Was Absalom In The Scriptures?

Absalom was the third son of King David, by his wife Maacah. The bulk of Absalom’s story is told in 2 Samuel 13-19. He had a strong influence on his father’s reign.

The first recorded event defining Absalom’s life also involved his sister Tamar and half-brother Amnon. Tamar was beautiful, and Amnon lusted after her. When Tamar rebuffed Amnon’s advances, he arranged, through subterfuge, to have her come to his house, where he raped her. After the rape, Amnon put Tamar out of his house in disgrace. When Absalom heard what happened, he took his sister in to live with him. For the next two years, Absalom nursed a hatred of his half-brother. Then, using some subterfuge of his own, Absalom invited Amnon to his house for a party. During the festivities, in the presence of David’s other sons, Absalom had his servants kill Amnon in cold blood.

Out of fear of his father, Absalom ran away to Geshur, where he stayed for three years. During that time, Scripture says that David “longed to go out to Absalom,” but we’re never told that he actually did anything to reconcile the relationship. David’s general, Joab, was ultimately responsible for bringing Absalom back to Jerusalem. However, even then, Absalom was not permitted to enter David’s presence, but had to live in a house of his own. He lived this way, presumably never contacting or being contacted by his father, for two years. Finally, once again by way of Joab’s intercession, the two men get back together, and there is a small measure of reconciliation.

Unfortunately, this peace did not last. Possibly resenting his father’s hesitancy to bring him home, Absalom began to stealthily undermine David’s rule. He set himself up as judge in Jerusalem and gave out promises of what he would do if he were king. After four years of this, he asked to go to Hebron, where he had secretly arranged to have himself proclaimed king.

The conspiracy strengthened, and the number of Absalom’s followers grew steadily, such that David began to fear for his own life. David gathered his servants and fled Jerusalem. However, David left behind some of his concubines and a few informers as well, including Zadok and Abiathar the priests and his adviser Hushai.

Upon entering Jerusalem as king, Absalom sought to solidify his position, first by taking over David’s house and sleeping with his concubines, considered an unforgivable act. Then he laid plans to immediately pursue and attack David’s forces, but the idea was abandoned owing to the advice of Hushai. This delay allowed David to muster what troops he had at Mahanaim and mount a counterattack to retake the kingdom.

David himself did not take part in the counterattack, having been persuaded by his generals to remain behind. He did give explicit instructions to the generals to “deal gently” with Absalom, in spite of his treason. Scripture makes the point that all the troops heard David’s orders concerning Absalom. However, the orders were disobeyed. As Absalom was riding under some trees, his long hair became entangled in the branches, and he was unhorsed. Joab found Absalom suspended in mid-air and killed him there. Thus, the rebellion was quelled, and David returned to Jerusalem as king.

David mourned deeply over his son, so much so that it affected the morale of the army. His grief was so great that their victory seemed hollow to them, and they returned to the capital in shame rather than triumph. It was not until he was rebuked by Joab that David was restored to a measure of kingly behavior.

Much has been said about David’s neglect of Absalom in this sad incident. It is possible that parental responsibility is a lesson we can take from this episode, but Scripture does not expressly teach it here. We do know that David did nothing about Amnon’s rape of Tamar, although he knew about it. If David had avenged Tamar, would Absalom have taken it upon himself to mete out justice? And what was the impact on Absalom’s soul of carrying hatred for Amnon for so long? We don’t know the answers to those questions, but it seems that David’s inaction had a deleterious effect in Absalom’s life.

What we can say with certainty, however, is that pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). Absalom’s self-promotion led to nothing. Also, Yahuah is sovereign. Yahuah foiled Absalom’s plan to overthrow his father’s kingdom (see 2 Samuel 17:14). All events are settled in eternity, and nothing, not even the Absaloms of the world, can thwart the power of Yahuah to do as He pleases in history.

Learn More: Click Here:


Following Judaism or Catholic Christianity thinking you are coming out of Babylon is NOT the following the Ancient Paths of Scripture.

It’s taking you deeper into the Mystery Religion Babylon the Mother of Harlots



Yahuah calls for UNITY ... another spirit is working something else.

This is the TIME of TESHUVAH and making the PRESUMPTION that you do not have to do that is dangerous ... let all TAKE HEED to examine ourselves.

The Spirit Of Absalom In The Last Days! — Remnant House

The Spirit Of Absalom In The Last Days! — Remnant House

The Spirit Of Absalom In The Last Days!

In Scripture we are commanded to call upon, praise, worship & esteem our FATHER’S Name!


What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)?

Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through Yahusha, therefore, let us continually offer to Elohim a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." The terms sacrifice and praise might seem to be opposites. We think of sacrifice as offering something at great cost to ourselves. Praise, on the other hand, sounds joyful as it bubbles from a grateful heart. However, in the spiritual realm, sacrifice and praise are intertwined.

Praise does not always cost us something. We praise our dogs for fetching the ball and people for a job well done. Praise is often our response to some action that directly benefits us, and we feel generous because we extend it. We often find it easy to praise Yahuah from the same motivation. When He has blessed us, helped us, and protected us, we feel generous toward Him. We can sing, worship, and talk about how good He is because we can see it. That kind of praise, although worthwhile, does not cost us anything. It is not a sacrifice.

Then there are those times when Yahuah did not come through the way we thought He would. The medical test comes back positive. The spouse wants a divorce. A child is wayward. The mortgage company calls in the loan. Yahuah seems very far away, and praise is the last thing to bubble up from our hearts. We can’t see His goodness, and circumstances scream that He has forgotten us.

To praise Yahuah in those times requires personal sacrifice. It takes an act of the will to lay our all on the altar before a Elohim we don’t understand. When we bring a "sacrifice of praise," we choose to believe that, even though life is not going as we think it should, Yahuah is still good and can be trusted (Psalm 135:2; Nahum 1:7). When we choose to praise Yahuah in spite of the storms, He is honored, and our faith grows deeper (Malachi 3:13-17; Job 13:15).

The command in Hebrews 13:15 says that this sacrifice is to be offered "continually." Our praise of Yahuah is not to be based on our opinion of His job performance. Praise cannot be treated as a "reward" we give Yahuah for His obvious blessings. Isaiah 29:13 says, "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." Real praise continues regardless of circumstances. It flows continually from a worshiping heart in good times and bad (Acts 16:23-25).

The "sacrifice of praise" comes from a humble heart that has been purified by fire. It rises from a spirit that has chosen to honor Yahuah in spite of the pain that life is causing. Psalm 51:16-17 expresses this idea when it says, "You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O Yahuah, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, Yahuah, will not despise."

What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)?

Learn More: Click on Link:

What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)? – Truthers Journal

What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)? – Truthers Journal

What does it mean to give a sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15)? Hebrews 13:15 says, "Through Yahusha, therefore, let us continually offer to Elohim a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name." The terms sacrifice