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Excited that here in Michigan, we’ve started meeting for live fellowship on Shabbat once a month and Scripture study twice a month. 😃🙌🏻🔥❤️


Because Of Who You Are

6 years ago today my world changed forever. There is not a day that goes by where I do not think of or yearn for my mom. This was the day my life shifted into two realities. The time before she died and the time after. This was the day I started on the road to Maschiach and repentance where I would ultimately learn about the ways of YAHUAH including his judgments and his righteousness. The pain never goes away and it never gets easier. It is only through the grace and mercy of YAHUAH Aluhym that I am able to face each day anew because otherwise living with the grief and pain from the magnitude of this loss would be unbearable. There are days where I can only put one foot in front of the other. Exodus 20:12 Honor thy father and mother so that your life may be prolonged. May my home and I be found worthy to escape all the things that are coming as we see that day approaching.


What Does The Scripture Say About Music?


What Does The  Scripture Say About Music? – Truthers Journal

What Does The Scripture Say About Music? – Truthers Journal

What Does The  Scripture Say About Music? Music is an inherent part of every society. The unearthly sounds of throat-singing in Mongolia and Siberia are as important to their cultures as Bach is to European cultures or drum-driven song and dance are

Happy 3rd Month everyone!!! 🤗

Blessings and Shalom! Just want to Thank Apostle Peter for your encouraging and uplifting message on Shabbat. A great reminder We need our True Bothers and Sisters in these Last days! Pray everyone has a wonderful week with Abba as continue to walk down the path he sets for each one of us. Love to All John


Great moments of celebration!

Alan & Sharon Pisarek est le sentiment Béni
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Regardless of how many times I have witnessed it, it never ceases to amaze me every time Yahuah answers the prayer of the faithful