Shabbat Shalum y'all! ЁЯФе Hope y'all have a barukah last day of Unleavened Bread! ЁЯлУ I just wanted to share the scriptures I just happened to open up to... It was the night when Peter & Octavia did their live on YT & I just couldn't sleep! I just opened up to Yohanan 2:13-25 ЁЯдп Not only is it about the Pesah (Passover) It was about our Passover Lamb ЁРдЙЁРдДЁРдЕЁРдФЁРдП (YAHUSHA) But what really hit my heart was the last 2 verses of the chapter, 24 & 25 ЁЯШнЁЯТФ wow! #unleavenedbread2024 #repent
