The Spirit Of Absalom In The Last Days!

THE SPIRIT OF ABSALOM   Absalom was the third son of King David (2Samuel 3:3). He was known for his SEDITION, disloyalty, betrayal, wickedness, revenge, rebellion, strive, chaos and confusion. He was never a peaceful man as his name implies. An Absalom spirit is a spirit of SEDITION, disloyalty, betrayal, strife, division, rebellion, revenge, confusion,…

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Qadosh Nation: The Three Tithes of the Scripture

The Three Tithes of the Scripture and how they apply to the Qadosh Nation Today. By Peter Michael Martinez   There have been several contentions that I have observed over the years as people awaken to the TRUTH of the scripture, the commandments of Elohim, and how we are to walk as Renewed Covenant disciples…

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How Iron Sharpens Iron And The Reprobate Mind

How Iron Sharpens Iron And The Reprobate Mind by Peter Michael Martinez   The process of sharpening a blade is one of meticulous and patient effort. Often a whet stone is used and the one sharpening will patiently stroke the blade back and forth to bring about the sharpening desired. We see in the scripture…

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Restoring The Ancient Pathways: Gilgal

Restoring The Ancient Pathways: Gilgal Location: There are two locations for Gilgal.   1. Tel Gilgal is situated in the Yorden (Jordan) Valley plain at the place of the modern city of Gilgal, which is located about 8 miles (12 km.) north of Yericho (Jericho) on Hwy. 90.   2. Camp Gilgal is located on…

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The Book Of Enoch 1

1 Enoch (Ethiopic Enoch) Excerpts from the Original Electronic Text Chapter 6 1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto 2 them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one…

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The Call Of Excellence In The Work Of The Ministry

Evaluating Excellence of the work of the ministry. The work of the Ministry must be a work that strives to Excellence in all things. While this is a lifelong pursuit, it is reasonable for all within a work to have expectations and standards for the house to which they belong that are based squarely on…

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The Rebellion of Korah & The Spirit Of Division

“Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.” Jude 11 Through the years there have been many ways in which our adversary has caused serious damage to the work of the ministry of the…

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Slander: The Wicked Voice Of The Serpent!

By Peter Michael Martinez   As the world devolves into greater and greater conflict, the forces of darkness continue to gain vessels through which they can work their ancient craft of evil. Few understand the way evil works despite the clear teaching of scripture. The apostle James gives us an insight that few truly respect…

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Eliyahu Stands Alone Against The False Prophets

In the time of Eliyahu there was great persecution of the Remnant of Yashar’el in all the land. All who held fast to the ancient pathway were persecuted in horrible ways by King Ahab and his wicked wife Jeze’baal. 1 Kings 18:4 “For it was so, when Jeze’baal cut off the prophets of יהוה, that…

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Jesus Name – The Mask of Tammuz

Jesus Name – The Mask of Tammuz Acts 4:12 states that there is no other name given whereby we must be saved. Some versions today of the New Testament give the name ‘Jesus’ as being the name of Salvation, while others state it is YAHUSHA. Old Testament scriptures say YAHUAH is the Savior and none…

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