The reason for the name change...
I'd put my fiance's last name, hoping to be married soon. That didn't work out. So my last name is my ex husband's, Baker. Although, he was a narcissist too. My personality type attracts narcissists. I must learn to be aware of that. The narcissist personality is also the Pharisee personality in Matt 23. I must learn to fight the narcissist spirit instead of drawing it to me. Or maybe I should learn to cast it out since that's the spirit that's drawn to me. I long for a meaningful selfless Yah filled relationship. I wish that everyone would follow Yahushua and not the Pharisees. Yahushua said nearly 50 times, "follow ME." Pharisees are narcissists!
I believe all sin comes from selfishness. And selfishness is narcissistic. Satan is a narcissist. He wants to be obeyed and followed. He wants to be the best, to go beyond Yah (Isaiah 14:13-15). The narcissist wants to be followed and obeyed. It is a controling, dominating spirit. Yah is loving and gives us free will. The world now seems full of narcissists who want to do things their way and for people to do their will, to obey them.
I will obey Yah! I will follow Yahushua! Not men!
Mindy Martinez
May Yahuah bless your marriage!!
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