Elijah came to the people and said How long will you dance between two opinions? If YHWH is God follow Him but if Baal follow him. And the people did not answer him a word. 1 Kings 18:21

Sunday one of the youth I have been talking with came into my yard after church. He is very strong 'christian' and double-minded . One day he says we should all follow the commandments the next day he wants to reason...

SUNday he was wearing a cap with the satan salute fingers sign on it so that this was the mark on his forehead. This is the same hand sign so many of the world leaders including the pope and unfortunately famous pastors have been flashing in public.
I asked him if he knew about the mark on his cap and showed him that it was a salute to Ha satan; it showing respect for devil and DIS respect for the Most High. That he had a mark of the beast on his forehead! He would not remove the cap and I told him I love you but I am going to ask you and your cap to come out of my yard.
He is on my prayer list, The CHASM is WIDE!!!! I'm starting to tell people that although my name is in the bible the rules I live by are not mine they are the kings and if they want to argue or reason with someone to take it up with Him. I understand these commandments to be non negotiable terms!

Family I re-searched again this time in source everyone has access to- the english dictionary.
Look up Baal, it will tell you that it means lord.
If you replace the word l-rd with Ba-l it it gives the bible a whole new meaning! There is a reason that the scribes took out the name of the Most High at least 6000 times and replaced it with other words.....

His Bride is not to call on other gods
Exodus 23:13 Do not invoke the names of other gods do not let them be heard on your lips.

Hosea 2:17 I will take away the names of the Baals out of their mouths and they shall no longer be remembered by their name.

I was very shocked when I looked up the other words that replaced the true names of the Most High and our Messiah.
Be careful what you hear be careful what you learn Pharaoh wants to keep his slaves close to where de fyah bun!