As I sat in meditation on this Shabbat, the Word of Yahuah came unto me to give me wisdom concerning the sign that now comes before the nations.

All of the following are the insight of the 4:8 verses in each book as you can verify for yourself in review of each 4:8 you encounter in the scripture.

The day of WOE and the day of JUDGMENT indeed is upon us.

Here is the interpretation:

The war of brother vs. brother shall manifest in all its horror for the wicked shall seek to take the Kingdom by violence.

This "SIGN" is a foretelling of even GREATER judgment to come.

The TIME of the BURNING of the TARES which must be put IN THE FIRE ... burned unto Yahuah has come!

Surviving will be the Royal Priesthood and the Qadosh Nation which have the Torah, keeping commandments.

The Qadosh Nation restores the 12 stone altar as Eliyahu did in the confrontation with the prophets of Baal.

Those that should lead are lead of a woman for fear for they had not the courage of men.

The Redeemer comes ... and choses HIS bride.

The ignorant will not know the way to point their adoration and respect.

Our enemies will be destroyed who stood against Yahuah's anointed.

Sons are chosen who heard the word of Salvation ... whose names are written and recorded.

The "woman" feeds bread to the hungry ... who is the woman of Revelation? Is this not the HOUSE of Yashar'el from whom comes the man child?

Strong shall be a descendants of Yahudah for as in the days of old, the descendant of Yahudah and Caleb, one of only TWO who made it to the promised land. The deliverance shall come to those who have been steady and faithful and deliberate.
And a “following host” shall be EXALTED.

And the wanderers who went away and were scattered shall return … Ten lost tribes return to the "temple" ... gold tried by fire.

The "Alexander the Coppersmith" people will oppose the set apart and the qadosh.

They will oppose and persecute the set apart place and the restoration of the house of Yahuah in 12 tribes.

Yet the bride intercedes and declares before the KING that her supplication would be heard for the people of Yahuah and they shall be granted the judgment.

The recompense of INIQUITY shall fall upon those who opposed the will of Yahuah.

The Remnant shall trust in Yahuah and HE grants his beloved rest in peaceable habitation and quiet dwelling places.

Wisdom delivers those who revere and honor Yahuah and brings them to the place of HONOR.

The realization of the VANITY and the deceitfulness of riches shall become clear to all who fell for the lies.

So Messiah draws away HIS BELOVED to the HIGH PLACES and delivers from the LIONS that would otherwise DEVOUR the elect.

The Judgment of Yahuah shall fall upon all that have scoffed at REPENTANCE and who would not respect the warnings of HIS messengers.

They shall suffer great Famine and starvation and uncleanness ... receiving death by starvation.

So the judgment that Messiah prophesied comes upon all who would not forgive his brother ... he shall pay his whole debt.

Finally they are willing to LISTEN to the CHOSEN of Yahuah and Mashiach Yahusha after great suffering.

The parasites that are set for destruction, for they have set their heart on iniquity, shall bear the judgment of fire.

The damned will attempt to solve the fruit of the curse on their own and with their own power, uniting against Yahuah, but not returning and not repenting.

So the heat of this day shall cause many to wish for their own death.

Those who hold fast to the word of Yahuah shall be in the strong tower, and the Kingdom shall be manifested upon those set apart in the Strong Tower.

Even still the devil will give false promises of prosperity in a desperate attempt to get the set apart to come into his world.

The REMNANT are they who pass the TESTS of the DEVIL and overcome and become 30,60,and 100 fold blessed of Elohim.

The Remnant, in the power of Mashiach Yahusha, rebuke the power of the wicked one and move beyond his power putting the wicked one "behind him" as he walks on.

There shall be meat in the house of the faithful servant who feeds the children and so the Master finds him so doing upon arrival.

So from this place of authority and power the word of Yahuah shall come for the "leaders, rulers, and elders" who scattered the sheep of the pasture as prophesied by Yermiyahu.

Those who REPENT and are set apart in the STRONG TOWER shall be forgiven and all iniquity shall be removed.

All who put their trust in their riches, in their gold and silver ... shall rue their foolishness.

Only with our eyes do we bear witness to the recompense of the wicked.

In ignorance they have worshiped the works of their own hands and have been judged as idolators.

Those who HE has taken to the HIGH PLACES shall be a gift unto all who come unto them and all captivity shall fall away.

And Yahuah shall put our minds on that which is good, lovely, and of good report for the days of their rule have come to an end.

He turns your mourning into dancing.

The anointed of Yahuah whom HE has sent shall be a comfort to those who are escaped.

We come to see that those who despised the servants of Yahuah who sent them to warn realize they have resisted the Ruach HaQodesh!

You cannot reach the HIGH places without "exercise" and energy to be a doer, not a hearer only for recovery in the present and the day of Yahuah yet to come.

The Remnant hold fast that no man take their crown unto the APPEARING of Yahuah.

The day of REST is the DAY OF YAHUAH that the Remnant shall enjoy having LABORED to enter into HIS REST.

So let all who are still on the fence come all the way to Yahuah and let them purify their own hearts and let go of all double-mindedness.

Among the set apart shall the LOVE of Elohim cover one another and all iniquity shall be cleansed by Yahuah.

The Remnant shall be known by their love one for another in a manner that is truly of Yahuah and by HIS RUACH.

The End is come for the wicked who would not repent.