My name is Richard Barr (I go by my nickname Rusty). I just wanted to give a testimony regarding my walk with YAHUSHA and Peter Martinez. Just so you all know, I do not “do” social media very often and the only reason I’m on Facebook is for following Peter and Remnant House.
It was probably 25 years ago that I first listened to Peter on my car radio and decided to attend a gathering that Peter was holding off of Concord Street in St Paul, Minnesota. The moment I walked in the door the Ruach Hakodesh spoke to me (which was a new experience for me) so I knew this is where I wanted to be. Growing up catholic – I never heard a peep from YAHUAH or the Ruach Hakodesh when attending catholic church. This is when I began to realize that Peter Martinez was ANOINTED.
About this same time I had an extraordinary experience, I was praying one night and felt the Ruach Hakodesh, my heart started to feel warm, almost glowing, and I had a feeling of PURE LOVE. It lasted only a minute or two, then went way. I thanked YAHUAH for this, but didn’t understand why it happened. About two hours later my older sister called and woke me up to tell me that our dad had passed away unexpectedly two hours earlier – then I understood why that experience happened. Ever since that experience the Ruach Hakodesh has spoken to me through my heart.
Years had gone by and I came across Peter (and Remnant House) on the internet in Israel on the Sea of Galilee. I started listening to his broadcasts. One day I was sitting in my car wondering if I should switch from my current “physical” church and join Remnant House, when the Ruach Hakodesh came upon me (almost as strong as when my dad past away) and the Ruach Hakodesh asked me if I would support Peter Martinez and Remnant House, I said “Yes” I would, and I continue to pray that I will stay faithful to what HE has asked me to do.
I have had some amazing things happen to me, such as falling off of a table backwards towards a cement floor, only to be set down gently – which was physically impossible - So I’ve come to trust YAHUAH with every aspect of my life, and I know - without a doubt that Remnant House is “My House”.
I pray the Ruach Hakodesh leads all of us to where we all belong. If HE has led you to “Remnant House” all I can say is Welcome – you are in good hands.