Regarding trouble executing tithe offerring on Saturday, March 31, 2018, I am able to enter all account info and press continue and then a shadow of an empty account info box appears with no further options, nor confirmation. It simply is not working and I tried numerous times. I will wait patiently for feedback from Remnant House's trouble shooting department.
My prayers are being answered. God is bringing people to me so I can serve them through His word. My heart swells and I get goose pimples as a precious woman transferred South from New York tells me her husband told her to see if God will pay her mortgage and he is divorcing her. She spent most of the night in tears praying for God's help. I felt her pain and told her she was in the right position on her knees praying and that God will be the head of her household now. She fell in love with the Lord and is being purscuted by her husband. One man is being overwhelmed by the signs of Jesus' return. I brought his attention back to God's word. Please pray for God to hold fast to these two individuals and never let them go as I will continue to set a fine example and feed them spiritual food and of course always give a listening ear to them. I will also pray and take in spiritual counsel daily so as to never steer anyone in the wrong direction. There is an epedemic of women and their families being casted aside by their husbands. Many women are returning to school so they can earn a degree in order to pay bills. This is overwhelming and can become very distracting. There is nothing too complicated for God to unravel and repair. I believe this is true. Please pray for His Holy Spirit to saturate our hearts with the truth and adopt His lost sheep into our family where they can find relief, love, srength, and continuance. Thank you for your time and God continue to bring peace to you allโค
Susan Amodio
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